This week I published Cappuccino U: a new way of learning and working, an e-book which is about a new style of learning in which innovative people have combined new information technology with traditional ways of learning to develop a new, personally-driven approach to learning. This learning happens primarily in 'the third place' which is neither home nor office. Your third place may be a local coffee shop or a library, a place where you can be with other people and yet be alone as well.
I used the book in two presentations this week, one to a professional association which is considering using innovative technology in their professional development program and another to a University communications class, and got excellent reactions from each group.
The e-book is free – and I'd be pleased to send you a copy. Send me an e-mail with Cappuccino U in the subject line and I'll reply with the e-book (PDF) as an attachment. It's a short book (14 pages) but since it's well designed and includes a variety of links and references the size of the the attachment is about 1 megabyte.
In the meantime, I and thousands of others will be using wireless connections at coffee shops, libraries and other public areas to work and learn, perhaps even taking university courses – or teaching them – while we sip coffee and smile at our colleagues at the next tables.