We travelled from Calgary to Regina yesterday, about 740 kilometres (460 miles). It's a fine drive: big skies, shortgrass prairie, the edge of the Cypress Hills, ranching country, and, finally, the Regina Plains, the flattest and most productive agricultural land in Saskatchewan.
The wind in Medicine Hat was warm, almost hot and the temperature in Maple Creek was 33 degrees. However, as we dined on Barb and Cec Werner's patio with the members of the band (The Jurelles) who will be playing tonight for the Seiferling reunion in Sedley, Saskatchewan, we enjoyed the late night cool breeze.
It's August, the beginning of harvest on the prairies. The weather has been unusually hot and the crop yields will be average at best, likely below average. Peas and lentils are being harvested in the Regina area sooner than normal.
Our sound check is at 4:30 PM. After that we're invited to join the family for a turkey dinner in the Sedley school auditorium.
We'll play late into the evening, then carry our equipment into the warm prairie night, glad that we can again be travelling musicians, playing to prairie people who love to dance to live music.
We'll play again tomorrow in Regina.
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