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July 28, 2009




Man, you keep busy - all over the map (and world - ie: London). Good deal - that's what keeps you young ! Good photo of the geese - there sure are lots of them flying these days -and too many of them are in the park Judy walks the dog through in T Bay !!

I presume you got the song/dance list for Rouleau next year - thought you would like to play "All of Me' and that you didn't get a chance to sing Hello Dolly last year. Are there any other songs you would prefer? Wondered if you might like Moonglow rather than I'm in the Nude for Love...

Please look it over critically and make some suggestions - it would be nice if it was (nearly) settled by January and then we could all practice the same songs and not have (too many) changes the day we land at Terry's in Sask. (Speaking of Sask - the other photos besides the geese were very good too).

Will call you one day when Judy and I are in Edm - coming there for the Canadian Olympic Curling Trial Playdowns. Dec 5 - 13th.

Keep healthy (on those home grown veggies !).


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