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September 01, 2015



Hi Jerome,
I have been thinking about you and missing our coffee chats. I opened up my internet and you popped up and this article. How could that be? We brought 8 banker boxes of pictures and old albums with us to Mesa AZ to sort through and decide which to discard and how to handle the ones we cherish and wish to pass on. How enlightening to open to your article which brought home the importance of this task.

Hope all is good with you and your family.

Jerome Martin

Hi Betty,
Thanks for your kind and interesting note.
I posted another blog entry this morning. It's about the history of photography and collecting photographs. Note the quotation from Holland Carter '...art itself has changed. it is no longer about things...it's about ideas, etc.'
Many people discard important historical and artistic photographs because they don't know who the folks in the photograph are. I'll be writing a blog post next week about 'found photographs', images that we may find in trash cans, boxes left by departed relatives, thrift shops etc. People collect these, as I do. We don't know who the folks in French Impressionist paintings were, so why should we worry about who the three fellows standing beside the '49 Ford truck are? Is it a fine image that you or someone else would like to keep, or is it a poor photograph in all respects?
Best of luck in your work. Think of what you are doing as curating a photographic collection – and beware of those who say 'chuck most of these and and save just a few of the photos of the relatives.' One way to conserve and share is to scan photos.
All the best,

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