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Episode 6: Cathie Crooks on Marketing Plans

Cathie Crooks on Marketing Plans 

Cathie Crooks is the Sales and Marketing Manager at the University of Alberta Press. She has extensive experience in publishing and marketing books and she shares that experience in this podcast. Cathie discusses marketing plans and how authors and publishers can work together to ensure that books reach reviewers, bookstores and readers. She also shares her ideas with respect to book launches, advertising, and innovative marketing techniques. 

Podcasts on Publishing focuses on book publishing, from manuscript to marketing. This series is presented by The Book Publishers Association of Alberta, with funding from The Canada Council for the Arts/Conseil des Arts du Canada and The Alberta Foundation for the Arts. The podcasts are produced and hosted by Jerome Martin of Spotted Cow Press. 

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I appreciate the links for the download of Cathie Crooks on Marketing Plans. Thanks.

Awesome, just what I'm looking for. I'm looking into marketing some recent ebooks and I'm betting this is perfect for me!

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