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3 posts from June 2009


Episode 10: Scholarly Publishing in Alberta

Scholarly Publishing in Alberta 

In this podcast Linda Cameron, Director of the University of Alberta Press, discusses scholarly publishing and its importance to educational institutions and the public. Publishers such as the U of A Press help institutional scholars present their knowledge to colleagues and to people outside their field. Presses operated by the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, and Athabasca University have been very successful in producing high quality, innovative books for diverse markets in Canada and abroad. 

Podcasts on Publishing focuses on book publishing, from manuscript to marketing. This series is presented by The Book Publishers Association of Alberta, with funding from The Canada Council for the Arts/Conseil des Arts du Canada and The Alberta Foundation for the Arts. The podcasts are produced and hosted by Jerome Martin of Spotted Cow Press. 

Download Episode 10: Linda Cameron on Scholarly Publishing in Alberta

Episode 9: The Espresso Book Machine: Print on Demand at the University of Alberta Bookstore

The Espresso Book Machine: Print On Demand at the University of Alberta Bookstore 

Todd Anderson, Director of the University of Alberta Bookstore, was responsible for acquiring the first Espresso Book Machine ever used in a University Bookstore. After talking to Jacob Epstein, one of the principals of On Demand Books at a conference in Boston in 2006, Anderson decided that he and his colleagues could create new opportunities for students, faculty and the public by using this unique machine. The Espresso Book Machine has been a great success at the U of A Bookstore and Todd Anderson has become one of the leading experts in the world on its use. Anderson discusses the successes of the Espresso Book Machine at the U of A and his ideas with regard to print on demand and the future of publishing. 

Podcasts on Publishing focuses on book publishing, from manuscript to marketing. This series is presented by The Book Publishers Association of Alberta, with funding from The Canada Council for the Arts/Conseil des Arts du Canada and The Alberta Foundation for the Arts. The podcasts are produced and hosted by Jerome Martin of Spotted Cow Press.

Download Episode 9_ The Espresso Book Machine_ Print on Demand at the U of Alberta Bookstore

Episode 8: Lou Morin of NeWest Press

NeWest Press 

Emerging from the buzzing cultural climate of western Canada in the 1970s NeWest Press has been publishing radically rewarding literature for over thirty years. This innovative press continues to produce award-winning fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. 

In this podcast Lou Morin, General Manager of NeWest, discusses how a relatively small literary press has survived and prospered in difficult times and how she views the future of publishing in Alberta. Podcasts on Publishing focuses on book publishing, from manuscript to marketing. 

This series is presented by The Book Publishers Association of Alberta, with funding from The Canada Council for the Arts/Conseil des Arts du Canada and The Alberta Foundation for the Arts. The podcasts are produced and hosted by Jerome Martin of Spotted Cow Press.

Download Episode 8: NeWest Press